Wholeness Work Level I Training

In this training you will learn a new path to “awakening” and resolving human problems.

Learn new, simple and effective methods for "awakening" & resolving life's problems.

Online video training from Connirae Andreas, PhD., developer of Core Transformation.

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Coming to Wholeness

Developed by Connirae Andreas

The 8 hours of video training in this online course will teach you to gently dissolve the "I", resolve a variety of problems from insomnia to relationship conflicts, and also teach you a different kind of meditation which can be very relaxing for the entire nervous system.

Why learn these techniques?

  • Naturally melt away many emotional issues.
  • Have greater compassion, humor, and wisdom with issues that remain.
  • Fundamentally "reset" your relationship with yourself, your life, & the world.
  • Dissolve stress with no forcing or will-power.
  • Resolve issues with authority or neediness.
  • Sleep deeper and more easily (very effective for this!).
  • Once you get good at it, use it "in real time" with life's challenges.
  • Become a totally perfected, enlightened being. OK, this one's not likely. While I do think this method is what the spiritual masters are talking about, Enlightenment isn't exactly what we think it is.

8 hours of streaming video training:

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A letter from Connirae Andreas...

The Wholeness Work is intimately connected with my personal life journey...

When people talked of spiritual experiences and ideas, it didn’t seem like something I could experience for myself.

All that changed when I discovered and developed the Core Transformation method, a profoundly effective method for personal change through accessing what many people experience as a “spiritual” core. Now over 80,000 people have been exposed to this method, and there are 111 official Core Transformation trainers around the world, from every continent except Antarctica.

The Core Transformation method emerged when I decided to work only with people who were seeking a way to deal with their life’s biggest issue, and who had already tried everything else and failed. In attempting to do this, the Core Transformation method came out, naturally. It surprised me, because I noticed that in front of me people were easily discovering a sense of being within that they were describing as love, peace, or oneness. They would call me up afterwards and say, as if telling a deep secret, “Are you aware that this is a spiritual process?”

This set me on a path of investigation. Earlier in my life I had set aside spiritual questions and spiritual seeking as something that “just wasn’t possible for me to know.” So why waste my time. Now I had an experience of something that seemed to be the same as what spiritual teachers and teachings were talking about. What did they know about it? I wanted to find out.

I began to read spiritual texts from gurus of many traditions, and to sit with spiritual teachers. This seeking became intensified when I went through a time of major personal challenge.

Fairly early in this process, I encountered a key spiritual teaching that seemed to be what awakening was all about. People were told that it was an “advanced” teaching — almost nobody “got it.” You had to be ready, and apparently almost nobody was.

But what if it were possible to understand this teaching — not just mentally, but in experience? What if it could be described in a way that anyone/everyone could have access?

Can Enlightenment be taught?

If you don’t already know, my background is in developing and teaching effective methods for personal change in a little field called NLP, which stands for Neurolinguistic Programming. The basis of NLP is what we call “modeling.”

In a nutshell, modeling is when we find someone who can do something excellently and then figure out the exact structure of what they are doing in a precise and specific way, so we can teach it to others. The idea is that everything is learnable, including what appears to be “innate genius.”

NLP began when people modeled some great therapists of the time like Milton Erickson (a pioneer in modern hypnotherapy), Fritz Perls (founder of Gestalt therapy), and Virginia Satir (founder of Family therapy). By modeling these great masters, the founders of NLP were able to teach others to facilitate therapy sessions that were equally amazing.

This kind of modeling was my background — it had been my life’s work. But could it be applied to Enlightenment?

A new method?

When I encountered the “key teaching” mentioned above, almost instantly a method came to me. It was a simple and precise, step-by-step way of doing what the spiritual teaching seemed to be pointing to. This is the method you’ll be learning in this program, that is now helping many people resolve their life issues and also experience a gradual transformation of their way of being in the world.

This was quite a few years ago, and a lot of exploring, testing, and refining has gone into it since then, so that I can offer it to you in this form that is easy-to-use, effective, and close to universal in application.

When I first thought of the new method, I immediately tried it out myself. I wondered, “Would I experience something like the great masters wrote about?”

I did experience an immediate shift. However at that time I concluded this “wasn’t it.” and continued searching for “the real way to awakening.”

Why didn’t I think this was the real deal? Firstly, what I experienced just wasn’t what I thought enlightenment would be. I had thought that if this were the “real deal,” I’d be having an instant dramatic awakening, and the life challenges I was facing would all be gone — if not right away, then surely within a week or two. In contrast, the shift I experienced was subtle, and to be honest I wasn’t able to realize its implications at the time.

The second reason is that spiritual teachers I respect were saying “it’s definitely not possible to put Awakening into steps.” We have to give up our desire to do that. They even said, “If it’s in steps, it’s not the real thing.” Often Awakening was described as something that happens through “grace.” And grace was a mysterious thing that we can’t understand. If we try to understand it we just hold ourselves back.

So I continued my search for “the real deal,” sitting with teachers, reading, and more. In this time I had many diverse experiences and was exposed to quite a few “ways”. If giving up steps is what it took to awaken, I was definitely willing to do that. So I let go of all that, and just opened myself to learning and experiencing.

I am thankful for my experience during this time, and will always be grateful for the loving presence of the teachers who have been part of my life, and also fellow seekers. It was valuable to me personally, and threads from some of this searching are in the process you will gain access to here.

However, as time went on, it became clear to me that neither me, nor the others in the spiritual groups and retreats, were getting the “instant enlightenment” I’d hoped for.

I periodically returned to exploring using the new method that had come to me, and increasingly came to trust that something fundamentally useful was happening there.

Gradually I came to see this method as “the real deal” that the spiritual teachers were talking about. Not just a dumbed down version.

However, usually spiritual teachers spoke about it in vague terms — terms most people couldn’t easily understand. Often they didn’t have a method, and if they did it wasn’t as precise or it left steps out. Steps I knew were important to getting complete results.

I started noticing that occasionally people in satsangs had questions I knew the new method could answer more easily and directly. And some who talked about experiencing wonderful spiritual states of bliss didn’t seem to experience much transformation of their life issues. I guessed that for some, if not many, the new method would allow that to happen more easily and quickly.

Increasingly I sensed this method had something to offer. Perhaps a lot to offer. What if these spiritual masters just didn't know how they did it, just as many excellent teachers, artists, and musicians don't have explicit conscious knowledge of what they are doing. What if “grace” is just a word we use to describe something wonderful that we don’t understand? How many more people could benefit if spiritual transformation was easily learnable instead of shrouded in mystery?

So I began working more intensively with the new work that had come to me. Over a period of years, I first used it extensively myself, and then I tested these models and techniques with many others: initially just with friends, and then with clients, and more recently in live trainings.

The results were that people were getting it, especially if they continued to practice the methods I had taught them. They weren’t just learning spiritual ideas or concepts, they were getting the nonconceptual spiritual changes that the great masters of old and the living teachers I had studied with were talking about.

Often these changes were subtle and gradual, as I experienced. Other times dramatic. But they were always positive, and very fundamental to how we experience the world. And they were dependable--if someone used the Wholeness principles as intended, and used it as a simple practice over time, they would reliably experience these shifts.

A new model, a new process, a new way of working.

This new model and set of methods for spiritual development I’m calling The Wholeness Work. It’s the most effective, simple, and direct method for what I think the spiritual masters are pointing at when they talk about Enlightenment or Awakening. And because it’s just the how-to, it’s free from guru-worship, dogma, or weird beliefs.

And it’s also not separate from personal development or therapy. You can use this method to work on your “issues” too, no matter what the issue is. It’s been effective for people with chronic sleep issues, with sticky relationship problems, and troublesome emotional triggers, as well as deep stuff that no other method helped with. It even stopped my husband’s pre-migraine aura, much to his surprise! (He’s not really into this spirituality stuff either.)

The Wholeness Work is also great as a daily meditation, not just as “problem-solving.” In fact, the way this method works isn’t really about fixing things — it’s more about experiencing things as they actually are. And that turns out to be both wonderful and ordinary at the same time. Using this method over time can fundamentally change your relationship to the world — it has for me, and I share more about that in the online training.

Now it’s important to note that if you learn and practice this method, you won’t become a perfect being who has special powers and is happy all the time. It hasn’t happened that way for me. You will find however that many of your problems dissolve or fade away as you practice over time…but life still contains challenges — it’s just that they become easier to deal with. This isn’t a magic pill, it’s a practice. I’ve been practicing for many years now, and I experience both a dependable continuing deepening, and that there is more to do.

8 hours of online video training.

I noticed that when I taught this method to others, they were deceived by its simplicity. They didn’t really get the full benefits unless they really learned and practiced all the ways you could work with it. I could teach you the essence of this method in under an hour, but to really get how you can awaken to the fullness that is possible for you, its important to discover and practice all the subtleties.

To help others experience the benefits of this approach, I had a live workshop professionally recorded and made into 8 hours of video plus helpful handouts that are available here on this membership website. There are no videos to download and no physical DVDs to scratch or lose. You just log into the site and you can watch as many times as you’d like, for life.

There’s more information on this page about this program and this method, and you can also contact us if you have more questions. To reach my office manager Duff, email "order [at] realpeoplepress [dot] com."

Thank you for reading.

~Connirae Andreas

p.s. It is my hope that this material supports many more people in discovering the deep happiness, joy and wellbeing already within. And that you can be one of them.

I know that when each of us goes through the kind of transformation this method invites, not only are we more happy and fulfilled, but we naturally become a contribution in the world.

Get 8 hours of video training for less than 1/2 the price of a live training.

Life becomes easier when you learn and practice these methods.

Lifetime access, no DVDs , and nothing to download.

Just log in and watch streaming video like on Netflix or YouTube.

Only $159.

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"The Wholeness Work created a huge breakthrough in my life. A breakthrough beyond my wildest expectations. I could not believe that it’s possible to have such a big change with a process that is so simple and easy, and yet so extremely profound.

"Connirae is a true master when it comes to change. She combines her unbelievable skilled NLP Mastery with an understanding beyond words about the deepest realms of your soul."

—Martin Weiss, Coach, Germany

"Last week I was on my way to a dinner party. I have never been comfortable with dinner parties, and was already a nervous wreck. I did the Wholeness Work and got completely relaxed. That’s never happened before — I actually enjoyed the evening.

"I also used the process for allergies. I did it when I started getting the symptoms, and my itchy eyes and stuffy nose cleared up right away."

—Sally M., Phoenix, AZ

What's included in this program:

1. The Wholeness Work — The Basic Form

Use this 5-step process to heal and transform emotions that trouble you, with behaviors you want to change. It can even make a difference with physical things. My husband used it for a pre-migraine aura, and was surprised to find it was instantly gone. He didn’t even get a chance to finish all 5 steps!

The way you resolve these issues is by making a simple yet fundamental shift in what we might call your personality structure. This shifting is very gentle, yet the way it happens, you are doing “real change,” in contrast to making changes that might make you more functional in the short run, but at a cost in the long run.

The way this process happens is a precise and specific way of actually implementing several fundamental spiritual principles. As you are “working your issues,” you are also doing what spiritual teachers might call “awakening.” The process gives us a way to directly notice and dissolve what we might call “the ego.”

2. Using the Process as a Meditation

When used as a meditation, the Wholeness Work becomes a gentle daily practice that supports our ongoing evolution. You will learn the adaptations needed for easy meditative use. Those who have struggled with meditation often find this process makes it doable and simple. And it doesn’t need to take extra time in your day. You can do this as you drop off to sleep at night.

3. Reclaiming the Inner Authority

On “Day 2” you’ll learn a new 8-Step process called “Reclaiming the Inner Authority.” This is particularly useful in coming to a natural sense of “flow” in our lives, without subtle needs to please others or gain approval. This method uses a range of experiences (including embarrassment, shame, guilt, need to please others, and need for approval) as a gift which enables us to come to greater Wholeness.

What we access and transform through this method is something that for most people is way out of conscious experience. While this pattern utilizes Wholeness Principles, it works with a different aspect of our personality structure than can be reached with only the Basic Wholeness Form.

4. Integrating What’s Missing

This process uses the principles of the Wholeness Work in a new way, which results in our feeling more whole and complete, as we are. “Neediness” in many forms tends to melt away. This makes it easier to have relationships based on positive things — how we complement and appreciate and enjoy each other — instead of hoping that another person, or life circumstance, will somehow “complete” us.

This program is more than learning a new set of techniques. You’ll also learn the underlying principles that make this process so simple, precise, and effective. After the training, you may notice that understanding these change principles adds richness and clarity to your work with other change processes as well.

Includes 9 handouts. You’ll receive a detailed handout for each of the four formats. Plus 5 additional handouts helping you understand the subtleties of this work. Included is a handout outlining the underlying schema of the wholeness work, making it possible for you to flexibly use wholeness principles to adapt to each person and situation.

Includes audio versions. We've made audios from the videos for people who want to review the material on the go! Put them on your mobile device and listen while commuting, cooking, etc., then take time to do the exercises when you have more dedicated time for learning.

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is The Wholeness Work the same as Core Transformation?
Not at all. They are two completely different ways of working. However the two methods do work very well together. At this time they are two of the primary methods I personally use in my private coaching practice, because I feel they get the best results with people. People need them both — and when we have access to both, we have two extremely powerful and effective ways of enhancing our lives and transforming difficulties.
Does it matter whether I learn Core Transformation or The Wholeness Work first?
Both trainings are open to everyone, and you can take either training first. When possible we recommend beginning with Core Transformation, and then learning the Wholeness Work. However people have also taken the two trainings in the other order and been very happy with both trainings. There are several reasons we suggest beginning with Core Transformation. Core Transformation tends to either clear — or begin to transform — a lot of the major life issues quite quickly. It can work with even very intense negative emotions (such as with history of abuse), in a very gentle way so that the person feels comfortable or even wonderful most of the time during the process. The Wholeness Work can also work with “heavy duty” emotional issues. However, to use it effectively with these types of issues requires greater skill on the part of the guide, so we recommend just starting with Core Transformation when possible. Core Transformation lays the groundwork in experience for easily grasping what the Wholeness Process is about. Core Transformation is very effective with big issues and little alike. At some point however, most people will find they need to shift to the Wholeness Work to continue evolving.
I don't have a good internet connection. Can I get the course on DVD or as a download?
We don't offer this program on DVD because DVDs are rapidly becoming obsolete. Major manufacturers have stopped making high-quality disks because the future is in streaming video. We want you to be able to watch the videos without any problems. Downloading is not such a good solution either though, because for an 8-hour HD video course, downloading would take days or even longer on a slow internet connection. However, we understand that not everyone in the world has access to reliable broadband internet. To support our customers who do not, we can mail you this course as digital files on a USB thumb drive. Note that there is an additional fee of about $50 for the USB drive, labor, and the cost of shipping. If you'd like to get a USB drive mailed to you, please click that Support button on the left side, or email our office manager Duff McDuffee: "order [at] realpeoplepress [dot] com".

Your Instructor

Connirae Andreas
Connirae Andreas
Connirae Andreas, Ph.D., is an internationally known trainer and developer of NLP whose work has helped define and broaden the field. She is best known for her development of the groundbreaking Core Transformation process, a method of gentle and profound transformation through accessing states of Peace, Oneness, and Presence (1989). Dr. Andreas is co-author of many books and training manuals, including Heart of the Mind, an engaging introduction and accessible “handbook” of key NLP methods. She and husband, Steve Andreas, have been influential in bringing NLP into greater public awareness: together, they created the classic Bandler-Grinder books Frogs into Princes, Trance-Formations, Reframing, and others, and improved the quality of NLP training worldwide as their NLP Training Manuals, books, and learning materials have become templates for many trainers around the globe. Their work has been translated into over 15 languages. Connirae’s developments also include the NLP grief process, timeline change work (with husband Steve Andreas), advanced language patterns, and parenting methods. With her most recent work, The Wholeness Work, Connirae once again has created a simple and precise method for experiencing what spiritual teachings talk about, in such a way that it transforms and heals our life “suffering.” In addition to the Andreas NLP website, the work of Dr. Andreas can be found at:

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit C – The Wholeness Process in Relationships
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit D – The Three Types of Integration
Available in days
days after you enroll

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