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Wholeness Work Level III
Module 1: Where am I Actually Present - All Sensory Channels
1.1 - Welcome and Introduction (12:02)
1.2 - Demonstration (60:54)
1.3 - Exercise Steps (18:13)
1.4 - Q&A and Sharing (20:20)
Module 2: Working with Polarities
2.1 - Introduction to Working with Polarities (10:49)
2.2 - A Guided Exploration (20:57)
2.3 - Sharing Your Experience (10:17)
2.4 - Polarities Exercise 1 (8:15)
2.5 - Q&A and Sharing (15:36)
Module 3: "Where's the Game?"
3.1 - Introduction to "Where's the Game?" (13:43)
3.2 - A Guided Experience (5:03)
3.3 - Q&A and Sharing (37:55)
Module 4: Integrating Meta Program Sorts
4.1 - Introduction to Transforming Meta Program Sorts (14:18)
4.2 - Demonstration (37:25)
4.3 - Exercise Steps (7:01)
4.4 - Q&A and Sharing (23:31)
Module 5: Integrating the Auditory Channel
5.1 - Integrating the Auditory Channel - A Guided Exploration (14:35)
5.2 - Q&A and Sharing (7:03)
5.3 - Preparing for the Next Module: Wholeness Dreamwork (3:26)
Module 6: Wholeness Dreamwork
6.1 - Introduction (14:35)
6.2 - Demonstration of Phase One (22:43)
6.3 - Exercise Steps for Phase One (7:58)
6.4 - Demonstration of Phase Two (25:37)
6.5 - About Phase Two and the Exercise Steps (7:03)
6.6 - Q&A and Sharing (17:16)
6.7 - The Indivisible All (2:33)
Module 7: Open Consultation Q&A - What Students Are Asking
7.1 - How to frame Wholeness Work with a client for the first time... (7:00)
7.2 - How to respond to layers of reactivity... (17:06)
7.3 - How to work with a positive dream... (4:32)
7.4 - Reactions vs "Where is the 'One Who?'"... (5:03)
7.5 - Directions of Integration – are they different for authority and what’s missing? (2:09)
7.6 - How the tangibility of structures can vary... (1:32)
7.7 - How to work with resistances... (8:23)
7.8 - Finding a starting place with a client who is analytical or has lots of story... (11:20)
7.9 - Listening as Awareness... (13:21)
7.10 - RE: leaders and guiding Wholeness Work for a large group... (5:50)
7.11 - Guiding Wholeness Work conversationally... (2:22)
7.12 - In dreams, how to address reactions to words... (1:45)
Module 8: Diving Deeper with Wholeness Work - Automatic Processing and Health Applications
8.1 - Automatic Processing - Introduction (10:14)
8.2 - A Guided Exploration (1:57)
8.3 - Waking up Organs of the Body - Introduction (3:46)
8.4 - A Guided Experience (16:58)
8.5 - Q&A, Sharing, and the Course Conclusion (28:30)
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6.5 - About Phase Two and the Exercise Steps
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